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Module 04/


Digging for your brand's raw materials.

Distill down 
to an essence 
of unique clarity.

An identity as unique as your fingerprint.

Strong brands do good design - consistently.

Building momentum
and connection

Tending your brand for growth.


Module 04 takes your brand's identity into real life by applying it to selected applications and communications. It's also an opportunity to review and prioritise your brand estate, identifying and considering how your brand flexes and behaves across a series of touchpoints, in order to shape and influence how customers experience your brand.

What you get

An audit of your brand estate

A selection of brand designed touchpoints

Value and impact

  • Embeds your brand's identity across your business

  • Establishes consistency and cohesiveness across applications and media - essential for brand recognition

  • Gives sight of how your customers experience your brand

Snapshots and examples

Social media brand banner

Sketch of applying your brand across brand touch-points

Branded coffee cup

Branded uniforms

Take away

Estate audit

A helicopter view of your brand estate enables you to see and prioritise updating your brand touchpoints, as well as giving the opportunity to consider the nature and relationship between each one - ultimately allowing you to design and shape how customers experience your brand.


Brand architecture

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Event pack

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Photography shoot brief

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Bespoke website

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Social media pack

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